Beyond Leer Publishing

Writing a Book is hard. Publishing it should not be!

Beyond Leer Publishing is here to provide you with the fastest gateway to your audience! We provide Paperback, Hardcover and eBook publishing, Book Interior and Cover Design, ISBN and Barcode Generation, Global Distribution, Promotion and Book Launch organisation and Media Coverage, all backed by reliable Author Assistance. Get in touch with us today and take a leap towards your writing dream!

What We Do

Cover Design

An eye-catching cover is always a must for a reader to notice a book’s presence. We bring you the best of Designers and Illustrators to give your Book the face that grabs everyone’s attention!

100% Transparent Royalty

We make sure that you, as an Author, get the maximum possible emoluments for your hard work, seeing to it the procedure is completely transparent on our part.

Editing & Formatting

Say goodbye to your redrafting woes because Beyond Leer Publishing ensures that your final draft is accurate to the dot. With us, you have the most efficient editors operating for you.


Beyond Leer Publishing is here to ascertain that your work reaches the right eyes and ears. We provide the best marketing and promotion solutions for your books.

ISBN & Copyright

Give your work the unique identity it deserves, leaving the complicated part to us. We provide the necessary assistance for ISBN and Copyright registrations to our clients, so that you don’t have to fuss over the legal aspects.

Global Distribution

Why stick to a small audience when you take over the world with your words? With Beyond Leer’s extensive global network, be ready to receive worldwide appreciation.

Our Distribution Channel

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